Is the account 100% free?
Yes, the account is 100% free and without obligation. In the free model you can use easyfeedback free of charge but with restrictions. For extended services simply order the desired survey plan. Do I need to re-register when moving from free to survey plan?
No, once you have registered once, you do not need to register a second time and can place the order within your account and continue working with your created surveys. When can I use easyfeedback?
You can use easyfeedback immediately after registration. Just open the survey tool and start. All features of the free version are available at once. Even if you want to order a survey plan for your survey, you can already use easyfeedback after registration. Just create surveys, layouts and prepare your invitations. Simply order the desired survey plan before you start to go live.
If you notice during an ongoing survey (in free version), that you need more power, you can simply order a survey package (and upgrade the running survey). Immediately after booking of the additional package, these survey functions become available and you can assign these features to your survey. How can I delete my account completely?
To delete your account with all data, please go to the link Delete account (bottom left) under Account > Account data and delete your account.