Topic: Account

Setup Webhook

To make it easy to read out the results via API, you can set up Webhooks in your easyfeedback account.

How do Webhooks work?

Webhooks are small notifications that are sent to another server to inform them that new data/information exists.
By using Webhooks, an API interface does not have to constantly check for new results. Only when the Webhook sends a notification does the API have to become active.

The easyfeedback Webhook is always activated as soon as a new completed participation is available within one of your surveys. This way the remote station knows that it can now read new data from the easyfeedback server via API.

How to set up a webhook:
  1. Go to your Account data via the Account menu and open the Integrations area
  2. In the second section you will find the Webhooks
  3. Click on Add new webhook
  4. In the dialog that opens, you can set the settings for the webhook:

    Description: Under Description you assign your own name to be able to remember this webhook thematically.
    Survey: Here you select the survey where the webhook should become active when new results are available.
    Endpoint: Under Endpoint you enter a URL to which the Webhook should send the information. The remote peer must be compatible and must be able to read and accept the webhook.
    Method: To send the webhook you have two options "Get" and "Post". With the "Get" method, the information (SurveyID and MemberID) is transferred in the URL. With the "Post" method, the information is transferred unreadable in the post message itself.
  5. As soon as you are finished with the settings, click on Save
  6. To activate or deactivate the webhook, move the on/off switch to the left or right.

Test Webhook

To test the settings of the webhook, simply click on the Test Webhook button. As soon as you click on the button the webhook is triggered and sends test data to the remote station.

For a live test offers you the possibility to receive webhooks and check if the settings work.

And via the protocol you can track the individual shipments and trigger them again if necessary.