Topic: Results

Internal value for the result export

The internal value provides the opportunity to customize results data for the export (XLS, CSV, SPSS). By default, the given answers (number of the answer) will be transferred in the export.

When asking about product or service satisfaction, there are the following possibilities:
  • very good
  • good
  • 50 : 50
  • poor
  • very poor
  • no statement

When you download the results as Excel, CSV or SPSS, the text from the selected answers would be in the cells: 

export survey results xls normal

With an internal value you can customize the values (text) and get numbers instead of text.

export survey results xls internal values

You can add an internal value for the following question types:
  • Yes / No
  • Multiple choice
  • Matrix
  • Double matrix
  • Ranking
  • Semantic differential

You can add the internal value when creating a question or at any other time afterwards. Simply click on edit for the desired question and define an internal value.
Every time you export the results, the current data will be exported. You can add and edit an internal value to questions any time.