Based on the filtering options you can filter, view and export the results from your survey any time.
Using filters is advisable whenever you want to view your results according to specific criteria. You can create any number of filters and apply them to your results.
Info: Filter combinations are always 'and' connections. If you have set two or more filter criteria, only data compliant to both of them will be displayed in the results view. Filters for answers, participant lists and parameters can be set to an 'or' connection, as well. Hint
Selected filter settings are automatically transferred into the export. You can pre-filter the results before exporting and only have the desired data sets in the exported files. Following filter criteria is available:
You can filter the results by start, invitation or end date when using the date filter.
The response filters can be used to adjust the results to: 'Show all participants', 'Show all participants who completed the survey' or 'Show all participants who have left the survey'.
Traffic source
The traffic source filter enables you to filter the results, according to the individual traffic sources.
You can filter the results for each language, by using the language filter.
The response filter displays the results according to given answers of selceted question(s). All question types are available for this kind of filtering.
Participant list
You can filter the results according to every used participant list, by using the 'traffic source'. Furthermore, some filters can by applied for individual values from each participant.
You can filter the results based on individually assigned parameters, you attached to the survey link. The attaching of the parameters could be performed manually or automatically. Please follow these links to find out more on this subject: Add paramter to the survey link > Parameter filtering >