Average calculation for the matrix question
You will be shown an average value for each data table of a matrix or double matrix question. The averages come per question and as a total.
How is the average value per line being calculated?
The calculations of the average values are automatically being performed by the system. Without individual settings, the system will count from left to right. The system will set the value '
1' for the first column (assessment levels), value '
2' for the second column etc. The column '
n/a (no statement)' will not be included for the calculations.
Finally the number of answers per column is being added and multiplied by the values. The results are summed up and divided through the amount of participants.
Colum 1 |
= very good |
= 1 (x5 responses) |
Colum 2 |
= good |
= 2 (x1 response) |
Colum 3 |
= middle |
= 3 (x2 responses) |
Colum 4 |
= poor |
= 4 (x1 response) |
Example calculation:
(1x5) + (2x1) + (3x2) + (4x1) = 17/9 = 1,88
How to calculate the total average value?
At the end of the table, there is another global average. This value is calculated just like the other averages, but from all columns with all lines (and answer options) included. The value is not just an average of the averages.
Customize the calculation of the average value
The average value can be customized. Use the '
Local value' settings in the matrix and double matrix questions to customize them.
Please proceed as follows, to customize the calculation:
- Select the desired survey in the Overview
- Create a new matrix question in the questionnaire or click on Edit of an existing matrix question
- Once in the 'edit mode' of the question, scroll down to the 'Local values' and activate it by clicking on the checkbox.
- Activate the option 'Use local values for average calculation'. After activation, the new inputfields for calcultions of the average values fade in. Once you activated this option, all entered values are being used for the calculations. Now enter the new values into the inputfields next to your items. If no values are entered, the system replaces the empty entries with a '0'.
very good', '
good', '
middle' and '
poor' were awarded with a new value for the calculation of averages. '
n/a (no statement)' and '
Value if no response is given below' are not included in the calculations and need no additional inputfields.
The following entries are possible:
- whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
- decimal numbers (1.25)
- negative values (-1)
You can activate and change the settings for the calculations of the average values any time. You can do it before activating the survey or after closing it. Just edit the settings and have a look at the changed averages within the results.