Topic: Invite Participants

Send & reminder function to invite to the survey

With the send & reminder function you can invite your participants and send a reminder to those who have not participated after some time, whenever needed. These four options are available:

1. All participants from this list
Thoguh this option all participants from the connected list get an invitation. If doesn't matter, if they have already received an invitation or not. The invitation text from the tab 'E-mail invitation' will be included.

2. All participants who have not received an invitation
With this option you can invite participants, who were added to the list later. This option avoids re-sending to participants, who have already received an invitation before. The invitation text from the tab 'E-mail invitation' will be included.

3. All participants who already received an invitation, but have not participated in the survey yet
This option you sends a reminder to all previously invited participants, who have not participated in the survey. Only the participants who did not click on the survey link, will get the reminder email. This option is basically the same as the automatic reminder function. You can use this option, if you want to send the reminders manually without a decision in advance. The invitation text under the tab 'E-mail reminder' will be included. If no reminder text is stored, the text from the tab 'E-mail invitation' will be sent automatically.

4. All participants who have already participated in the survey, but did NOT finish it
This option sends a reminder to all participants who stopped their participation. A reminder email will be sent to all participants who had already started to participate in the survey, but did NOT finish it. The invitation text from the tab 'E-mail reminder' will be included. If there is no reminder text stored, the text from the tab 'E-mail invitation' will be sent automatically.

Reminder function
With the reminder function you can send a second invitation to all invited participants who did not take part in the survey, until a previously defined day.

In the sender statistics you can see, how many invitations / reminders have already been sent / delivered.