Topic: Settings

System texts, messages and button labels

In addition to the questions and self-created texts, other texts (system text) are required to inform participants about their steps within the survey. These are, for example, the button texts for the navigation or error messages if a mandatory question has not been answered. The system text are already predefined. If you wish, you can customize the individual texts for each survey.

To customize the system texts within a survey, please proceed as follows:
  1. Select the desired survey in the  Overview 
  2. Click on Questionnaire
  3. Click on the tab 'Text & languages'
  4. Select 'System texts' on the left-hand side
  5. Change the texts according to your requirements
  6. Click on  Save 

You can change the system texts at any time. After saving, these are immediately visible in the survey preview and in the survey.