Topic: Settings

Request for active consent of participant for data protection

The deposited data protection instructions are implemented to fulfill the obligation to inform your participants about the processing of their data. However, according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), you must obtain the consent actively - in other words, the participant must agree with it by some action.

We offer the option that the participant must actively agree to the Privacy Policy right at the beginning of the survey, to be able to comply with these rules right from the first page.

advise privacy policy survey

Please proceed as follows, to activate the option of active approval:
  1. Activate the option 'Privacy Policy' at the survey settings
  2. After activating you get the additional option of 'active agreement'
  3. Select the option and click  Save Settings 

As soon as you will open the survey preview or live survey, you must agree to the privacy policy.

The consent is saved per participation (session). If the participants interrupt the survey and continue later, they do not have to agree again, because the consent is automatically associated with the participation session.

If several people fill in a survey within one participation session (shared access code or link from the e-mail invitation), only the first person has to agree.