Topic: Settings

Quiz / Scoring

The quiz / scoring function provides the opportunity to show an 'achieved' score (points / correct answers) to each participant at the end of the survey, or to redirect to predefined website.

Please proceed as follows, to activate the Quiz / Scoring function:
  1. Chose your survey in the  Overview  and go to the Settings
  2. Navigate to the Quiz / Scoring menu, or activate the option in the general settings in the section for the final page
  3. Activate the Quiz- / Scoring function
  4. Make your settings

Once you have activated the quiz / scoring, you can test the settings in the preview (restricted) or the live survey.

Basically, there are two ways to perform the scoring at the end of the survey:
  1. Points
    For the 'counting method' you can set a value of points for each answer option. Based on the given answers, all 'achieved' points will be added up and predefined action will take place.
  2. Correct answers
    The 'counting method' will simply will simply count the answers given, which you specified as correct (1 or more per question). At the end all 'correctly' answered questions are added up and a defined action will take place.
A combination of both counting methods is not possible. You need to decide for one method.

Display of the result at the end of the survey

For the action at the end of the survey there are 3 options. All options can be combined:
  1. Final Page
    Instead of a generic message on the final page, you can display an individual message depending on the participant's score or correct questions. In addition, you can show the participant's score or correct number of questions.
  2. Redirection
    An alternative to displaying the final page or results, is a redirection based on the score or correct answers. Then the participant will be redirected to your predefined website.
  3. Results at the end and block evaluation
    The result at the end can be combined with the quiz function, to display the personal result. The participant will see the given answers again, and how many points or correct answers have been reached, broken down to each question. At the end a summary of the whole points or right questions will be displayed.

    Based on the achieved points or correct answers you can show an individual message to the participant, at the end of a page.

    Block evaluation
    Another option is the placement of blocks with an intermediate evaluation in the 'results at the end'. For example, if you want to create a subtotal of 4 questions.

Question types for Quiz / Scoring function

The following question types are available for the quiz / scoring:
  • Yes / No question
  • Multiple Choice
  • Picture
  • Matrix
  • Double matrix table
  • Semantic differential
  • Rating
  • Opinion scale / NPS

Setting 'Points' or 'Correct answers'

Based on your questionnaire, the quiz / scoring feature will display all available questions, which you equipped with a score or marked as a correct answer.

On the left, next to the question title, you can deactivate individual questions for the quiz / scoring, if they should not be included.

For each answer option, you can assign points, which will be achieved by the participants when they select this answer in the survey.

Quiz Points


You can mark one or more answers as correct. The question is counted as 'answered correctly' if the participant selects all answer options that you have marked as the correct ones. If the participant chooses more or less than the answers being marked 'correct', the question will be counted 'NOT answered correctly'.

Quiz right answers

Note: Points calculation
For questions with multiple answers (multiple choice) or with multiple lines (matrix table and semantic differential question), the points are multiplied by the lines of the question.

Displaying of the result or forwarding on the basis of the achieved points / correct answers

Once you have set the individual points or correct answers, you can define value ranges to perform an action.

Individual Quiz notification

Please proceed as follows, to forward to a page, display an individual message or the result at the end:
  1. Define a value range for the desired action to be taken:
    XX – XX points / correct answers
  2. Select the action to be performed:

    Display: Final page
    After selecting 'Final page', the participant will see the normal end page. You can define an individual message based on the achieved points or correct answers.

    When selecting 'Redirection' the participant will be redirected automatically to a your stored URL, instead of getting to the final page.

    Results at the end
    When selecting 'Results at the end', the participant is directed to a page where the given answers are displayed. In addition, the achieved score or correct answers per question will be displayed. In the summary the achieved points or correct answers are displayed at the end.
  3. You have the option to define an individual message based on the achieved points or correct answers.

Possible placeholders for displaying the achieved points or correct answers:

[points] achieved number of points
[maxpoints] max. Score
[percent] achieved score in %
[questions] correctly answered questions
[maxquestions] Number of questions
[percentquestions] correct answered questions in %

Block evaluation 'Results at the end'

For the overall evaluation of the achieved points or correct answers on the 'results at the end'-page, you can use the block evaluation to set an 'interim evaluation'.

Quiz Block Evaluation

Please proceed as follows, to place a block evaluation:
  1. Create a new block:
    + Icon
  2. Then define where the block should be displayed (before or after question):
    Show block after
  3. Select a text to be displayed in the block evaluation:
    Individual text next to the block evaluation
  4. Finally select the questions to be totaled in the block:
    Selection of the questions that are to be evaluated / summarized in a block

At the selected position, each participant will get his personal intermediate result.

The presentation of the individual results or notifications in the survey preview are limited, because the preview doesn't store any results.