Topic: Survey setup

Question type: Multiple choice

With the question type Multiple choice question, you can specify the possible answers for the participants. In addition, you can offer the participants a text field for others with an explaination possible.

Settings and options of the Multiple Choice question type:

There is only one possible answer 
By enabling this option the participant can only choose one answer.

Additional text input field to answer choice
With this option you can provide a text field next to the answer options for additional notes. The width of the text box can be selected freely.

Extended response text after the text input field
In addition to text input field you can place another text providing field with guidelines or clarifications.

"Other" text field as an additional answering choice
In addition to the previous answers an "Other" text field can be placed at the end of answer choices.

Help icon (tooltip)
With this option, help texts or further information can be placed behind a help icon next to the question title.

“no statement” button to not answer the question
This option is useful if you have a mandatory question. It allows the participants to continue the survey, even if they don't want to give an answer.

Participants "must at least / must at most / must exactly" give X Answers
With this option you can specify the minimum, maximum or exact amount of answers to be given by the participants.

Last answer option acts as "No statement" button
If you enable this option and the participant selects it, then all other answer options are automatically disabled.

Last answer option has a fixed position
This option is useful if you randomize the answer options but want the last option to remain fixed as the last option.

If you select this option the answer choices for each participant are displayed in random order.

Selecting the path for the participants (filter / jump)

This option enables you to guide the participants with filters / jumps through the survey. 

By choosing this option, you can select a different target page for each answer, where the participants will be redirected, according to the given answer. Jumps are possible for one or more answers. The jump is initiated by the lowest page number that is selected for the participant's response.

This option becomes available after creating the question. Save the question and move the cursor on the question. Now the button for the filters fades in.

Internal value
The internal value allows you to replace the answers of the participants through a pre-defined value for the export (Excel, CSV and SPSS). Like this you can edit the output value in the export for further processing.
The participants have the following answer choices:
• car
• motorcycle
• bicycle
• walk

In Excel or SPSS such text information may not be too useful, but you can simply replace it with other values.

Car = 1
Motorcycle = 2
Bicycle = 3
walk = 4

In the export the numbers will appear instead of the shown answer options.
The placement of an internal value can be edited at any time, while creating the question or after the survey, to optimize the data for export. 

Validate text boxes
With the option „Validate text boxes“ you can predefine the format for entering of text answers. Possible formats are
  • Character length
  • Integer
  • Decimal number
  • Date
  • Email
  • Website URL

Upload Image
In addition to uploading an image directly in the questionnaire, you can also upload an image in the question. The advantage here is that you can place the image between the question line and the answer options.