Topic: Survey setup

Logics, rules and conditional paths in the questionnaire

In addition to the filters and jumps, you can work with logics and rules in the questionnaire. Logics allow you to create complex rules to show or hide whole pages or elements (questions, images, texts, videos and audios), reacting to the participants' responses.

Logics work similar to filters and jumps, but they are a bit more flexible. Instead of leading the participants from side to side, you can use a logic to create different varieties of a follow-up question and show each participant only the relevant questions.

Each question type can be combined with others and used as a rule. Rules can be  'or', 'and' or a combination of 'orand'.

The logic provides the following options:
  • Question / Answer choice were answered
    For the multiple choice, sweepstake / Newsletter, 10 scale, slider and the text response question type, the condition may be met, if the participant answers the question or chooses a certain answer.
  • 'if-then-or' combination
    A condition can be met if e.g. one question is answered. But you also have the opportunity to combine two or three questions for a condition with 'and' or 'or'.
  • 'greater than', 'greater equal', 'less than', 'less equal', 'is equal', 'is not equal'
    For all question types, which have text responses or number values as a possibility, conditions can be placed on the exact answer. For example: a condition applies only if the participant has moved the slider at least to 86.
  • 'Number of answers' are at least, maximum or exactly X
    With this option, you can create a condition that refers to the number of responses given to one question. This feature enables you to specity a certain condition, which will only apply, if the participants answered at least 2 out of 4 alternatives.
  • 'contains' filter text responses
    Another option to use 'greater than', 'less than', etc. is: You can set a condition, if a participant uses one or more pre-defined words in his text response.

    The words you defined, which are being used for the filtering of the answers, must be perfectly matching within the text response given.
    Example: You only want to trigger the condition if the participant leaves the words 'service' and 'dissatisfied' in his text. If you only create “one” condition and set both words in one condition 'service dissatisfied', the condition is only triggered, if the words were written exactly the same way. Since this will probably not happen too often, you should create two conditions, one for each word and link them with 'and' or 'or'.

Please proceed as follows, to create a new logic rule:
  1. Select the desired survey in the  Overview 
  2. Click into the questionnaire, at the element or the page, that is to be displayed or hidden, on the  Logic  button
  3. Define the rules and whether the element / page should be hidden or not
  4. Click on  Save 

To test the rule, just open the survey preview.

Logic rules only work for answers on previous pages. If you create a new rule, the selection only shows questions of previous pages. You can't create a rule on a question that is on the same or a following question page.

Rules are deleted automatically if ...
... the question or item will be deleted, to which the rule referred.
... the element for which the rule should work, is moved to the same or a following page.

Logics are a professional feature. A reasonability check is not performed. Carefully choose your logics and test them extensively. We recommend to set logic rules, after you have built up the whole questionnaire. This helps to prevent errors and infinite loops. However, in case of a mistake within the logic, you can delete or change the rule at any time.

Combination of filters / jumps, logics and randomizing
Combinations of several techniques cannot be checked automatically, whether they are reasonable. Please keep in mind these complex logics should always be verified by humans. Check all participants' answering scenarios to prevent undesired results.