Survey setup
Question type: Double matrix
The double matrix is useful if you want to query one or more indicators / performances on line segments. For example, in the first line segments you can ask about how often a service is used, and on the second how satisfied the customer is.
Settings and options of the Double Matrix:
Column: Answer option
It is optional to show or hide the first column with the texts per line.
Number of assessment levels
Here you can specify the number of evaluation steps.
Column: „n/a“ No statement
It is optional to show or hide the last column with the „n/a“ No statement.
Number of second assessment levels
Here you can specify the number of second evaluation steps. Additionally, you can enable the column „n/a“ No statement.
Participants "must at least/ must at most / must exactly" give X Answers per column
With this option you can specify the minimum, maximum or exact amount of answers per column, to be given by the participants.
Several answers per line possible
With this option you can create a matrix question table. This allows that the participant can give several answers per line.
Participants "must be at least/ must be at most / must be exactly" give X Answers per line
With this option you can specify the minimum, maximum or exact amount of answers to be given by the participants.
Required question
This allows you to declare the issue as a mandatory question. The participant must answer to this question before he can move on to the next page.
If you select this option the answer choices for each participant are displayed in random order.
Additional text box under the question
With this option you can place a text box directly under the question, e.g. for comments. The text field can be defined freely in its width and row height.
Help icon (tooltip)
With this option, help texts or further information can be placed behind a help icon next to the question title.
“no statement” button to not answer the question
This option is useful if you have a mandatory question. It allows the participants to continue the survey, even if they don't want to give an answer.
Selecting the participants (filter / jump)
This option enables you to guide the participants with filters / jumps through the survey.
By choosing this option, you can select a different target page for each answer, where the participants will be redirected to, according to the given answer. Jumps are possible for one or more answers. The jump is initiated by the lowest page number that is selected for the participant's response.
This option becomes available after creating the question. Save the question and move the cursor on the question. Now the button to the filters fades in.
Internal value
The internal value allows you to replace the answers of the participants through a pre-defined value for the export (Excel, CSV and SPSS). Like this you can edit the output value in the export for further processing.
The participants has the following evaluation steps:
very satisfied | satisfied | 50/50 | unsatisfied | very unsatisfied
In Excel or SPSS such text information may not be veryuseful, so you can just replace it with other values.
Very satisfied = 1
satisfied = 2
50/50 = 3
unsatisfied = 4
very dissatisfied = 5
In the export file the numbers will appear instead of the text answer options.
The placement of an internal value can be edited at any time, while creating the question or after the survey to optimize the data for export.
Upload Image
In addition to uploading an image directly into the questionnaire, you can also upload an image into the question. The advantage is, that you can place an image between the question line and the answer options.